Minggu, 23 Juni 2019

No More Inhaler. Make This Juice And Cure Asthma Attacks!

Thick bronchial tubes are usually the reason why respiratory inflammation e.g. asthma appears. Weakness and shortness of breath are only some of the most common signs. If a person is coughing or suffocation all the time, they might suffer from asthma.

Asthma attacks cause allergies or sensitivities. The lungs become irritated, the muscles become tighter and phlegm becomes produced more in the throat. People with asthma usually have short breaths and can’t breathe or cough easily.

Doctors prescribe inhalers in this case, but only in urgent cases. If an inhaler is used all the time, it causes numerous health problems since it contains plenty of steroids and chemicals.

There are numerous people who have managed to treat this problem with a diet change. They usually consume foods which decrease the inflammation and increase their energy.

Replace your inhaler with some healthy food!

You need to start taking carrot juice every day and use more vitamins every day. Green herbs and celery are a very important part of your nutrition.

These Are The Most Effective Foods For People With Asthma:

  • 1 cup of cranberry juice, 2 cups of strawberry juice, 1 pomegranate
  • ½ a lemon, 1 fennel, ¼ of a pineapple, 8 stalks of kale, 3 pieces of radish
  • ¼ of a lemon juice, 6 stalks of celery, a bunch of parsley bunch, a bunch of spinach, 2 green apples
  • a cucumber, ½ a lemon, 3 bulbs of ripe lemongrass
  • ½ a bunch of capsicum, 1 pineapple, ½ a cup of lemon juice, 2 and ½ bunches of watercress, ¼ of a cucumber
  • A small glass of lemon juice and wheatgrass juice

These Foods Should Be Avoided If You Want To Reduce Asthma Attacks:

  • Sodium and glutamate
  • Soft drinks and alcohol
  • Veggie oils
  • Animal foods – milk, meat, eggs
  • Citrus fruits

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