Jumat, 21 Juni 2019

10 amazing tea tree oil recipes to heal any type of skin condition (scars, warts and more!)

Tea tree oil is one of the most health beneficial essential oils in existence. The oil is made from the Melaleuca tree native to Australia and is especially popular for its healing properties for all kinds of skin problems and diseases. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties tea tree oil is now widely used in cosmetics and it’s the active ingredient in a number of face washes, creams, ointments and massage oils.

10 Health Benefits of Tea Tree Oil For Your Skin

Treating Acne

As we already mentioned, the oil has potent anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce skin inflammation and swelling. It also acts as an antibacterial and antifungal agent and cleans your skin and eliminates bacteria and microbes which are often the main cause for acne breakouts. Applying just a small amount of this oil on your face will penetrate your skin and unclog your glands, drying out blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes and pimples.

Relieving Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a serious skin problem which is still currently incurable. However, tea tree oil can significantly accelerate the healing and treat the discomfort caused by this condition thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil will also help you eliminate dead skin cells and relieve the itching, redness and burning caused by the condition.

Combine 10 drops of the oil with 2tbsp. melted coconut oil and apply the mixture on the affected areas. Reapply it a few times a day until the condition improves.


Tea tree oil has potent antiseptic properties which relieve the itching caused by eczema and speed up the healing process. The anti-inflammatory properties enable it to reduce the inflammation and prevent more damage to the skin.

Mix ½ cup of coconut oil with 20 drops of the oil and apply a bit of the mixture on the problematic areas, rubbing it in gently. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for best results. You can also prepare yourself a nice, healing tea tree oil bath.

Cuts and Infections

If you have a nasty cut or a skin infection, a combination of lavender and tea tree essential oils can do wonders for you. First you need to clean the wound with some hydrogen peroxide and water and mix a couple of drops of lavender and tea tree oils with jojoba oil and apply this mixture on the wound.

Razor Burns

Whenever you have a razor burn and some irritated skin after shaving tea tree oil can help you soothe your skin. Mix a few drops of the oil with 2tsp. of witch hazel and apply the mixture on the burn.

Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a nasty, unpleasant skin infection which can be quite difficult to eradicate. Tea tree oil can come in handy with this problem as well. Combine 20 drops of tea tree oil, ¼ cup baking soda and ¼ cup arrowroot powder in a bowl. Mix the ingredients until they’re combined and make sure you break out all the lumps, you can even use a mixer to combine them thoroughly. Apply this powder on clean, dry feet every day until the infection subsides.

Makeup Remover

You can even use tea tree oil to remove your makeup. Combine 10 drops of the oil with ¼ cup EVOO, pour the mixture in a glass jar and shake well to combine the ingredients. Store it in a cool, dark place and when you want to use it just dip a cotton pad in the solution and clean your face with it.

Soothe Chicken Pox

Chicken pox causes unbearable itching and we can’t always resist the urge to itch our skin. This can lead to scarring that lasts for life. Tea tree oil can help you relieve the itching and soothe the skin, thus prevent scarring to the skin. Prepare a warm tea tree oil bath and soak in it every day for relief.


This oil is also very effective against staph infections, especially the antibiotic-resistant ones. Combine some tea tree oil and almond oil and apply the mixture on your boils a couple of times a day.


Warts may not be painful but they sure are unpleasant to the eye and we’d like to eliminate them, especially if they’re on some visible part, like the face. You can use tea tree oil to eliminate warts completely naturally.

Wash the area around the wart and your hands thoroughly and apply one drop of tea tree oil directly on the wart. Wrap a bandage over it and leave it on during the night. Remove it in the morning and apply it once again in the evening. Perform this treatment every night until the wart falls off on its own, which should happen in 1-2 weeks.

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