Minggu, 30 Juni 2019

How to Get Rid of Bruises Naturally

We often have bruises on our skin. These are skin injuries that appear as discolorations because of damaged blood cells deep beneath our skin. It starts collecting blood near the surface of our skin and then causes these marks in blue or black color which are called bruises.

Most bruises appear when we bump into something. They usually disappear after 2 weeks without treatments.

In this article, we’re going to present you natural and easy ways to get rid of bruises quickly and effectively at home!

Ice Compress

You will need:

  • Cotton cloth
  • Ice cubes in water


Dip the cotton cloth into the cold water. Put it on the bruises. Another thing you can do is put several ice cubes in the cloth and then put the cloth on the bruises. Hold it like that for 15 minutes. Use this several times a day.

Warm Water and Vinegar

Vinegar is great to stimulate our blood flow, but it also improves the healing processes. Combine 2 tablespoons of vinegar into a glass of warm water. Stir this well. Apply it on the bruises using a cotton ball. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day.


Cabbage is amazing against the swelling. Apply several cabbage leaves on the bruises. Leave them like that for 20 minutes. It will help you heal the bruises faster if you repeat it several times every day.

Essential oil

You will need:

  • several drops of tea tree or lavender oil


Take several drops from the oil. Massage the bruised area with soft circular motions for 15 minutes. Repeat this 4 times every day.

Epsom salt

You need:

  • Hot water
  • Epsom salt


Combine the water with the Epsom salt. Dip a cotton ball in it. Apply this on your bruises. Repeat it 2 times a day.

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