Senin, 22 Juli 2019


We all love eating almonds – they are a great crunchy delight which offers quite a lot of nutrients our body needs on a daily basis. However, we might have been eating them wrong the entire time – according to a new study, we first need to soak the almonds and eat them afterwards, as soaked almonds provide more health benefits than raw almonds do.

Almonds are one of the most nutritionally packed nuts in the world. They contain minerals such as magnesium, zinc and calcium as well as other important nutrients such as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. However, when dry, the nuts contain an enzyme inhibitor that protects them until they’re soaked for germination. Soaking almonds activates the enzyme which makes the nutrients easy to absorb. The same applies for all nuts and seeds – they are far more nutritious soaked than raw.

Here’s a list of health benefits of eating soaked almonds:

Improve your energy levels

Eat a handful of soaked almonds every day to boost your energy levels. Soaked almonds contain a lot of manganese, riboflavin and copper which will improve the energy production in the body.

Great for your cardiovascular health

Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fats as well as potassium which have a positive effect on our cardiovascular health.

An excellent source of vitamin E

Almonds contain a lot of vitamin E which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce inflammation. Eat a handful of soaked almonds every day to prevent diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

Great for the brain

Almonds contain a variety of nutrients which will improve the function of your brain and protect it from damage.

Rich in L-carnitine and riboflavin

Almonds contain a rich amount of riboflavin and L-carnitine, two compounds which can boost the production of new neural pathways and reduce the risk of neurological problems.

Regulate your cholesterol levels

Eating a handful of soaked almonds every day can regulate your cholesterol levels and prevent a variety of serious cardiovascular problems.

Reinforce your bones

Almonds contain nutrients important for your bones and will improve their density. They are rich in phosphorus, a mineral which can prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures as well.

Regulate your blood pressure

The high amount of potassium in almonds means that they can keep your blood pressure under control.

Low in sodium

Almonds are rich in potassium, but low in sodium, which means that they can regulate your blood pressure.

Prevent numerous types of cancer

According to recent studies, soaked almonds are effective against colon cancer and other types of cancer as well.

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