Kamis, 02 Mei 2019

8 Hobbies That Will Boost Your Intelligence

For too long, we have been thought that we’re born with a certain level of intelligence and all we can do is live up to our potential. However, technology has advanced in the past few decades, and now we know we can actually train ourselves to be more intelligent. Having a hobby or learning new skills keeps the brain active and helps develop neural pathways which will improve its function. Here are some hobbies which will make you smarter:

Learning how to play a guitar or other musical instrument

Learning how to play some kind of musical instrument can boost our creativity and analytical skills, while improving our motor skills and boosting our intelligence. Unlike other hobbies, playing a musical instrument boost the corpus callosum, resulting in the creation of new connections between the brain hemispheres and improving your memory solving skills and brain function.

Reading books

No matter what kind of book you read, reading has been found to lowers stress and anxiety and makes you more relaxed. Reading also boost the fluid, crystallized and emotional intelligence which improves your problem-solving skills and helps your brain work better. Reading books more often will help you achieve better management skills and help you understand things clearer.


Exercising in a team is far better than working out on your own as it fills your cells with a protein known as BDNF which improves your memory, focus and concentration (mental acuity). According to experts, physical inactivity will prevent proper brain function and increases the risk of numerous health problems as well. This is why it’s important to stay physically active.

Learning a new language

Learning a foreign language is actually better for your brain instead of puzzles. Studies have shown that bilingual people are more efficient puzzle solvers, and the process also improves the functioning of our brain. Speaking more than one language can improve your monitoring skills and help you focus better. This is why experts think that learning a foreign language is the missing piece that prevents you from getting C-level jobs.

Test your cumulative learning

Not testing your cumulative learning before your finals raises your chances of failing it. Students think that studying a lot before the exam will help them know everything before the test, but it’s actually testing the cumulative learning that helps you pass. Learning a new language and testing everything you have learned in the past few weeks or days both make us more intelligent. We need to test our knowledge over and over again in order to keep the brain sharp and be prepared for when the big day comes.

Work out the brain

Sudoku, puzzles, board and video games will keep your brain occupied and boost neuroplasticity. This will also promote changes in the neural pathways and certain synapses which allow your brain to remember and understand. When your nerve cells respond in different ways, you will be able to look at problems from different perspectives and understand cause and effect easier.


Meditation stimulates different areas in the brain and significantly boost its function. By focusing on self-improvement, you will be able to achieve your professional peak and become more ambitious and self-aware.


Playing or watching sports is a great way of exercising and socializing and help you interact with other people better. No matter if it’s football, basketball or some other team sport, you will definitely improve your brain function and learn how to start a conversation.

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