Selasa, 07 Mei 2019


Parsley is probably the most popular herb in the world. It is native to the Mediterranean and it has been long used as spice. However, its nutritional value and medicinal properties are less-known.  Consider the following nutrients it contains:

  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12

Parsley is abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, all of which boost immunity.  The high levels of vitamin A it contains provide protection for the eyes and keep them moist. When vitamin A is combined with other antioxidants, it can promote eye health and even reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it along with beta-carotene rich foods, including carrots and spinach.

It is also important to mention that parsley contains two important carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. These carotenoids reduce the risk of damage to the retina and cataract.

However, besides protecting your eyes and promoting eye health, parsley acts as natural diuretic and helps in cases of urinary tract infections, gallbladder stones, and kidney stones.  Given the fact that it acts as potent anti-inflammatory agent, it can be useful in cases of bruises, insect bites, arthritis, and toothaches.

Last but not least, parsley contains volatile oil compounds, such as myristicin, which prevent oxidative cell damage and can prevent the formation of tumors. Parsley keeps your blood sugar levels in check, maintains healthy and strong bones, and improves you heart health.

Juicing with Parsley

Fresh parsley is far superior to the dried one and you should always opt for an herb with deep green color. It is recommended to opt for organic parsley in order to avoid pesticides and other harmful chemicals. Store parsley in a bag and keep it handy.

Parsley Juices for Eye Health


Cataract is a condition which mainly affects elderly individuals and it occurs when the protein in the eye clumps covers the lens. On the other hand, conjunctivitis is type of bacterial infection which is manifested by irritation and redness.  You can relieve these conditions with a juice of parsley, celery, spinach, endive, apples, and blueberries.

Retinitis Pigmentosis

This is actually a group of inherited diseases which cause gradual decrease in vision. You can prevent and treat this condition with a juice of parsley, spinach, apples, wheat grass, celery, lemon, ginger, garlic, raspberries, carrots, leeks, beets, grapes, and carrots.

Optic Nerve Problems

The term “optic nerve problems” refers to issues which cause damage to the optic nerve and the protective sheath which surrounds it. To prevent this issue you should consume a juice of parsley, beets, wheat grass, cabbage, endive, carrots, ginger, and berries.


Floaters are tiny pieces of debris which float in the eye`s humour and  cause small clouds or dark spots in your vision. You should address this issue by drinking juice made of parsley, carrots, beets, garlic, apples, raspberries, and parsnip.

Lattice Degeneration

This degeneration is a thinning of the peripheral retina which affects the peripheral vision. To treat it, make a juice of parsley, wheat grass, raspberries, lemon, celery, grapes, cabbage, beets, ginger, leeks, apples, spinach, and carrots.

Macular Degeneration

As the name itself suggests, macular degeneration is a condition in which the macula deteriorates, which leads to blurred vision. You can prevent and treat this condition with a juice made of parsley, leafy greens, bell peppers, broccoli, apples, and raspberries.

Best Disease

Best disease, also referred to as vitelliform macular dystrophy, affects the back of the eye and it causes difficulty reading or watching TV. To treat it, drink a juice made of parsley, wheat grass, cabbage, spinach, lemon, raspberries, apples, carrots, ginger, beets, leeks, garlic, and celery.


Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve and it gradually advances. It can be treated with a juice made from parsley, plums, apples, beets, cabbage, raspberries, turnip, carrots, radishes, cucumber, and celery.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy, or simply called diabetic eye disease, is a condition which causes damage to the retina. You can treat it with a juice made of parsley, cabbage, garlic, leeks, pumpkin, carrots, wheat grass, raspberries, celery, beets, ginger, spinach, asparagus, and Jerusalem artichokes.

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