Kamis, 14 Maret 2019

Experts Reveal: Should You Eat Potatoes Or Not?

Potato is one of the mostly used victuals in our diet. Yet, they still have bad reputation. Is that justified or not?

Several studies revealed that the potato doesn’t deserve this bad reputation. Though it contains high level of starch and is calorific too, if you cook it healthy, there is no reason of avoiding it.

According to the nutritionists, there aren’t any universal rules when it comes to the diet. Everything depends by the people, what’s their diet, their daily engagements, and how much energy they are spending.

Anyway the nutritionists warn overweight people and those who suffer diabetes to avoid the potato because it has high level of starch and is calorific. Potato is not recommendable for fat people and diabetic, because they should decrease the consuming of carbon hydrate, fat and sugar.

In average, potato contains 36% of daily recommended dose of C vitamin, 27% of daily recommended dose of Potassium and 14% fiber.

It’s true that potato increases the level of sugar and insulin in the blood, but if you combine it right with the other victuals, the high level of starch will not be problem.

The best way is to boil the potato, and it is important to care about the size of the serving. In fact potato shouldn’t be the main victual it should be served as addition. You should combine it with fish or salad. It’s great with lettuce, radish and olive oil. When it comes to the spices, you should use natural spices and avoid salt. Today many people don’t know if the potato skin is eatable or not.

In cooking books you will notice that paring is not recommended. This means that the potato must be organic and not treated with chemicals. After all, nutritionists recommend paring the potato skin before cooking.

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