Sabtu, 27 April 2019

Total Hit! Losing Weight Without Diet, With Only 5 Minutes Lying Down

What if I told you you can start losing weight today, by simply lying down horizontally for 5 minutes three times a day?

With this simple “exercise”, losing weight has never been easier! It sounds as good as some myth or fairytale. Japanese doctor Fukujuji-san has been helping women lose weight in the shortest time, during a 10 years period. From this experience we get this exercise with which one can lose weight by simply lying down (that means without diet, hard exercises and spending money).

This method from the Japanese doctor Fukujuji is described in his book. This book has 6 million sold copies in Asia.

For this method for fast slimming the doctor says that you don’t need any special tools. However, you just need a strong rope, big towel so that you can fasten the towel in a roll, flat floor and 5 minutes  free time per day .

The method is very easy and efficient in the same time. You are not supposed to anything except lie down horizontally, for 5 minutes three times a day.

Specialist for problems with the pelvis is doctor Fukujuji. He has discovered that the main cause for fat tissues in the area around the belly and the waist is the misplacement of the pelvis and the subcostal bones.

You can lose the fats around the belly very fast and easy with the procedure from the Japanese doctor.

The procedure is as follows:

  • First, fasten the towel in a roll and fix it with some rope;
  • Please, sit on a clean surface, the best is on a flat floor;
  • However, put it the towel under your back in the height of your umbilicus and then lie down (the towel should be a bit larger than your back);
  • After that, spread your legs in the length of your shoulders and curve your feet. Touch only the big toes;
  • Turn the palms downwards, after the stretch out your arms behind the head. Then touch the little finger of the right hand with the little finger of the left one.

That is all. Although it seems very simple, that position is not easy nor comfortable at all.

The first few times stretch them as you can, but don`t forget to touch them with the little toes on the hands as well as the big toes on your feet.

Lie down in this position for 5 minutes, three times a day.

In the beginning of these exercises you will feel uncomfortable and even in pain, but if it becomes unbearable, shorten the treatment to as much as you can handle.

You need to do this exercise every day, if you want good results.

Don’t get up immediately, when you are done with the treatment. Also, if you are in prone position, turn and lie on your hip, sit down and even then stand up.

Attention: Before you take up this treatment, please consult your doctor if you have problems with your pelvis or any other bone disease.

  • You will lift your breasts – If you move the roll under your bust
  • You will have formed and thinner waist – If you put it under the ribs

Besides the losing weight you will notice other changes as well:

  • You will walk better and the pain in the back will go away!


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