Jumat, 19 Juli 2019

The Secret Weight Loss Recipe Lose 10 pounds in Short Time

Today extra weight is a big problem between people, usually because of to lifestyle choices all of us make, or perhaps we are forced to live in certain way.

We don’t think what we eat, we rarely consume hale and hearty food, not to mention lack of physical exercise. Fortunately, besides eating and exercising, there are some things that will help us succeed to lose weight and stop getting extra pounds. Also in the same time it will better our entire health.

When it comes to weight lost parsley is probably the world’s most popular herb, but we don’t use big amount of it, so it’s not enough to extract the beneficial liquids from the body.

Also parsley is great assistant in treating diseases and urinary tract infections, kidney diseases and it is a powerful diuretic. The root and the leaves are used in the medicine. Read this recipe below and learn how to prepare parsley tea that an old woman from Bosnia decided to share with us.

“Parsley is magical. On Monday I was 159 pounds, and 2 days after I lost 5 pounds. It is all about the waste water that was removed from my body, not the fat. Now I feel awesome,” said the woman.

This is very simple recipe:

Just add 5 tablespoons of chopped parsley in 1 liter of boiling water.

After this, leave it stay for the next 15-20 minutes, strain the mixture and your tea is ready for drinking.

One of the most crucial functions in your body is water disposal.

Together with the water, you also remove the toxins, bacteria and many other dangerous things. As we mentioned above, parsley is proven as an outstanding diuretic and very powerful antioxidant.


Drinking parsley tea is significantly recommended and beneficial, but in reasonable amounts.

Don’t drink it too often, because it’s not recommended to drink more than a liter of this tea daily.

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