Minggu, 14 April 2019

Cherry – Legendary fruit with great potential

The Cherry fruit is known since ancient times. One of the favorite fruits of the Persians, the Romans and the British, and later conveyed to almost all parts of the world.

Nutritionists say that the Cherry is a wonder fruit that contains everything needed for the body to remain healthy and vital. Today we will try to discover most of the benefits the Cherry has to offer.

Short nutritional status – The Cherry has amazing healing properties. It is rich in vitamins, mostly containing vitamin A, C, E and folic acid. From minerals contains potassium and magnesium. Contains a solid amount of phenols, iron and fiber.

Cherry against inflammation and pain – What is very interesting is that the Cherry has really strong and proven anti-inflammatory effects. The Cherry is very effective when it comes to chronic inflammation. It is effective against gout, muscle inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Interestingly, scientists have proven that twenty cherries a day exempt the body from aches just like consuming one tablet of aspirin or ibuprofen. Scientists conducted a research which strongly proved the positive effect of cherries, namely, volunteers eat 250 grams of cherries every day for few weeks. At the end of the study, many investigations were made, which proved that these subjects, significantly reduced inflammation, and normalized the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, which shows that the cherries are effective in conditions of hyperlipidemia.

Cherry – always the first choice for the elderly – Sour cherries are rich in antioxidants which are very powerful in keeping the nervous system balanced and preventing from oxidative stress. This is especially important for the elderly because it significantly reduces the risk of neuro-degenerative diseases.

Cherry – for calm and good sleep – Cherry is one of the few fruits that contain melatonin, hormone which regulates sleep. The body normally secretes this hormone at night to facilitate sleeping. Because of this we can safely say that Cherry is one of the few fruits that can help us humble ourselves and go to sleep. Melatonin is also effective against symptoms caused by menopause, therefore the Cherry is an excellent choice for women entering menopause.

Medicinal properties of sour cherry – Besides the above mentioned here a brief list of the other benefits our body receives from the Cherry.

■ Cherry – Nourishes and protects the brain;

■ Cherry – Reduces the risk of diabetes;

■ Cherry – Helps with kidney failure;

■ Cherry – Improves digestion;

■ Cherry – Great for weight loss;

■ Cherry – Protects the heart;

■ Cherry – Protects the urinary tract.

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