Minggu, 14 April 2019

7 Foods For Blood Purifying

If you want to clean your blood and rejuvenate your body, all you have to do is to include these foods in your daily diet.


Garlic is a rich source of sulfur, an essential mineral that helps the body to eliminate toxins. It stimulates the liver to produce enzymes for detoxification that filter the toxins from the blood.


Dandelion contains a huge amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients that eliminate toxins from the digestive system and free radicals. Tea from the leaves or roots of dandelion stimulates the function of the liver and pancreas because they draw toxins from the blood.


Vitamins, minerals and fiber are some of the compounds of the apple. The apple contains certain compounds that stimulate the production of bile which are helping the liver to remove toxins.


Because of the antioxidants and other beneficial nutrients, the beetroot is a great weapon to protect the body from free radicals and stimulate the liver for greater elimination of toxins from the blood.


Parsley acts as a diuretic that helps the kidneys to do their work and to eliminate excess toxins through urine.


Carrots are rich in vitamins (A, B6, C and K), and potassium glutathione, protein cleaning liver. For better effect in detoxification, eat them fresh, because cooking destroys glutathione.

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